Pada materi kali ini, penulis akan memberikan contoh deskripsi tentang
beberapa profesi yang ada di sekitar kita. Materi profesi ini, penulis
kaitkan dengan beberapa kata sifat yang sudah dipelajari sebelumnya.
Materi ini dipelajari oleh siswa kelas 7 di semester 2. Berikut adalah
beberapa contoh deskripsi tentang profesi.
A person who teaches the students
She works in school
She works in school
A person who bakes the cakes or cookies
He works in bakery
He is Mr. Ardi Susilo. He is my new neighbor. Mr. Ardi is one of my
neighbor who has a unique hobby. He likes to make cake and cookies. He is a
famous baker in this city. Mr. Ardi has a bakery. His bakery's name is
"Delicious". Meny people like to visit this bakery because the people can
find various cake and cookies. Mr. Ardi is nice person. He likes to help
his neighbor. Many people like him because he is very kind.
A person who arranges the traffic in the street
He works in Police station
I have an uncle. He is a policeman. My uncle lives with his family. He
has a beautiful house in his village. My uncle lives with his family
and he has three children.
My uncle always goes to police station by his car. His office is far
from his house. He arranges the traffic in the street, it is one of his
duties. He is a kind policeman.
A person who cultivates the rice field
He works in rice field
He is Mr. Joko Sutarno. He is my neighbor. The man is very kind. Mr.
Joko always helps his neighbor in doing something. He lives in a simple
house with his family. Mr. Joko is a tall man. He has strong legs,
because he always goes to the rice field on foot. Mr. Joko has two
children and a sister. They are happy family.
A person who delivers the letter
Work place : Post Office
A person who arranges the flowers
Work place : Shop
A person who catches the fish
Work place : River
Berikut ini adalah beberapa profesi yang ada di sekitar kita
- teacher = guru
- doctor = dokter
- author = penulis
- architect = arsitek
- actrees = aktris
- actor = aktor
- butcher = tukang daging
- mechanic = mekanik
- labor = buruh
- cashier = kasir
- chef = koki masak
- barber = tukang cukur
- coach = pelatih
- pilot = pilot
- journalist = wartawan
- fisherman = nelayan
- dentist = dokter gigi
- engineer = teknisi
- sailor = pelaut
- lawyer = pengacara
- manager = manajer
- driver = sopir
Sebenarnya masih banyak profesi yang ada disekitar kita. ini hanya contoh bagaimana cara mendeskripsikan profesi yang ada di sekitar kita.
4 komentar:
Verry helpfull
Hello :)
Where are you i said
thanks for visiting my blog
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